Catch Teens Young

The Beautiful Ones

The child has one intuitive aim: self development

The You In You

Every individual on the surface of the earth has been given an assignment by God to fulfil. This innate ability with which each one of us has been endowed is referred to as ‘’potentials’’.

The greatest tragedy in life isn’t death but what dies in you when you are still alive. Most people ask God for the thing they already have. For some, they spend their whole life time trying to change who God has made them to be. There is something unique about every one of us. There is a latent power and ability in us. You don’t have a mate even if you are twin. Don’t try to be like some else. ‘’it is better to live your own destiny imperfectly than to live an imitation of someone else’s life perfection.’’

There is a man and a woman success inside you. It is called the ‘’YOU’’ in you. That “YOU” inside is the real beautiful you. That is the ‘’YOU’’ that God has seen already. You may not like the way your face is, you may not like the way your legs are, but look on the inside, this body is just your jacket.

Most people are looking for help abroad instead of thinking broad. There is one believe that we have lived by through the years, and that is, we can make it anywhere we go in this world. Success is not a function of a place but about a person. it is not a function of where you are, but who you are, great and successful people have learned to live from within. If you take a lizard from here to America it won’t become an alligator because that is its nature.

We don’t have dry place but dry men. That is, people who think they are dry. Poverty only exists in the mind of the ignorant. All we need is to look inward to see the greatness in us.

In every teacher there is a school. Nothing in this world is compared to the investment in your spirit. Chris Oyakhilome says ‘’success is impacting to world with the investment of your personality’’.

Each one of us has a responsibility to discover our potentials and then maximize them, in order to fulfil our God-given assignment on earth.

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